Title: The Vampire of Meadow Lake
Author: Jason Petty
Page count: 312
Genre: Paranormal, horrorish, a cat.
My rating: 4/5
Publisher: ...
Published: October 14th 2010
Summary: Jenny was an outcast her entire life. The death of her best friend, Amy , ripped her in half and left her alone with only her abusive family to turn to. Only one person would stand by her side - John, class clown and aspiring car guy. He remains more than loyal, even as she lashes out and blames him for her problematic life. When her online search for Amy's killer leads her to go missing like her friend before her, he becomes her only hope. but as his worries and motives come to light, he begins to look less and less like the loyal, loving boyfriend he's been playing.
Soo I won this in a giveaway. Yay. :) I really liked the cover which pulled me in along with the summary that left me... Intrigued you could say.
One thing in the book that stuck with me for some reason is, cat. Don’t ask why it just stuck, so I decided to share it with you. Second I’m glad I am not the only that thought the characters were scary and disturbing on many levels. TO the point that they were absolutely horrible. Not written, I mean their personalities, bad bad people. The story was very :O , “GASP!” You’ll never see the ending coming.
Then how the story went. It was a little confusing at first, but you quickly figured it out. With the twist, turns, oh snaps, and problems, it leaves you feeling exactly what the characters are and then plus that. Everything was easy to see and visualize making this reader happy and satisfied with the book.
Now the issues of the book, it was a little slow leading up to the point, but when it did pick and everything fit together like a puzzle you get sucked in.
Now you the readers of this post. GO read this book and spread its story around. :D Don’t forget to write a review, even if its just one line. Us authors appreciate it.
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