Dark Protecer (Paladins of Darkness #1) by Alexis Morgan. 5 out 5 stars. I was a little weary of reading this because I ordered it from my library in a random need of more paranormal romance. I clicked a couple books and ordered a bunch of books some weren't even the first. That was my little rant. Thanks for listening

So the main characters of this story were Dr. Laurel Young and Devlin Bane. Laurel is a handler someone that revives the fallen Paladin when they die in battle. Why do they die you wonder? Because of the for ever going war against the Others. When the other cross over the border from their world and into the human world they bring the darkness over with them. So the Paladins are the one protecting the world from the darkness and Mr. Bane is one of the top people in his area so most people will listen to him and give him respect. Mr. Bane was freaking funny in my opinion he just had the he-man vibe going on, but that's what made him such a awesome character. Then add Laurel to that because she has a lot of guts. Never before had it been heard of a paladin and their handler getting together. Well boy did she change that.
the bad guys in this story were all complete idiots and let me add jerks. I gave them no respect at all and was glad when the story went the other way. Not to mention they were all very flat and lacked something in their character. I give the bad guy a 3 out 5 stars rating. The good guy character were all better and not to mention not flat. Was this done on purpose because that would make a lot more sense.
The story goes along the line of trying to find out who's smuggling jewels from the other side over because they're promising a safe trip over when they really only get to meet the tip of a sword. So now they are working on uncovering the mystery of who is the mastermind of the great plot. (I'm thinking the guy need to get some better henchmen maybe then everything would work out how he wants them too.)
The book left me wanting more so i quickly read the second book wanting to see some more Paladin action.