Author: Laurann Dohner
Page count or Words Count:
Genre: Paranormal, shapeshifters, romance
My rating: 5/5 stars
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Published: July 27th 2011
Summery: Ellie is horrified to discover that the pharmaceutical company she works for is doing illegal experiments. They have spliced human and animal DNA, creating exotic new species. One male captures her heart and she’ll do anything to save him. Even if he hates her for it.
Fury never knew compassion or love. He has spent his life in a cell, chained and abused by humans. The one woman he allowed himself to trust betrayed him. Now he is free and set on vengeance. He vows to end her life but when she’s finally in his grasp, harming her is the last thing he wants to do to the sexy little human.
Fury can’t resist her—the touch of her hands, her mouth on his skin, her body wrapped around his. He is obsessed with the scent of his woman. Ellie wants Fury—always has. She craves his big, powerful body, but she also wants to heal his desolate heart. Ellie just doesn’t know if Fury can be tamed.
My Thoughts:
So this is the first book I've read by Laurann Dohner and it's been on my To be Read list for a while. I just had to find the $$$ to get it. :) Have to say was worth the wait and a amazing story.
The Review:
The characters were well... Amazing and I simply loved it. When you finish reading this you will want and need more. So back to the characters. Ellie was my favorite character so far; she stood up for her man, took what she deemed was a punishment fit, and has more self control then you could imagine. Well Fury he is a... there's no right word to describe him. Every form of growly dominance you can think of. :)
There were so many bad guys and problems in this book tat you could never guess when it was over. I kept thinking nooo it's going to end. Then it did end and it left me wanting to read more about theses characters we were introduced to and fell in love with.
Where to Find Her:
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Goodreads: LINK
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