Today Interview is from Shandy Kurth author of Devastation and soon to be out Isolation. Make sure to check them out. :) Thanks for answering some questions. :)
Where to find her;
Smashwords: LINK
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Not sure I would call her a mentor but certainly an inspiration and that would be SE Hinton. I started writing at a very young age and I was inspired by the intense world she spun in The Outsiders at the age of 16.
What inspired you to write your first book?
I would have to say reading. I LOVE to read and I had all of these thoughts and stories and characters floating around in my head mixed with feelings and so It Can Always Get Worse came out of that. It was my first completed manuscript!
What were the challenges in bringing Devastation to life?
I would have to say the most challenging thing was the editing. It was taxing work but in the end, I learned a lot through the process.
Which of your characters in your favorite?
That is a tough one! In Devastation? I think Guy was the most trying character and...he really has a lot to him, so maybe he was the hardest and most enjoyable character to create. As far my favorite character of all time, I think it will probably be Kasey who will make an appearance in 2013 in a Novel titled: Black and Blue. He's not the easiest person to like but....he's a real person...he's someone maybe you knew in high school. You may have kept your distance, but.... Yeah.
Me: Now I can’t wait for that book. :)
Are you a big reader? If so, do you think that had anything to do with becoming and author?
Oh I LOVE to read, whenever I am not swept into a story that I'm writing. Always have. I think it has a BIG part of why I just HAD to write. What's better than a book you get to choose the ending?!
Who helps you write the most?
It would have to be my sister. She is one of my very best friends and I bounce ideas and characters off of her all of the time! She keeps me on my toes and she also helped out a lot with the editing of Devastation!
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