So this is one of the first author interviews I've done that's not related to school. I would like to thank Michelle Gent for answering some questions and allowing this to be possible.
Who helps you write the most?My husband helps the most, by making sure I don't starve or dehydrate 
Are you a big reader? If so do you think that had anything to do with becoming a author?
I've always been a reader, I devour books when I'm in the mood for reading and I got to the point where I was reading books from established authors and I was thinking: I can do better than this! One day, I got the idea for a story and I did just that
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Oh goodness... If I could choose a mentor and be certain that they would agree, then Stephen King. I admire his diversity and longevity... not to mention his excellent advice.
When did you first learn that you wanted to be a writer. Was it just a natural instinct or did you find it later in life?
It was a bit of both I think. as I said, I've always been interested in stories but I never had the chance to get to writing. Later in life, when we became a little more settled and the kids were all growed up, I found more time to write
Which of your characters is your favorite?
The one I'm writing at the time. I like them all and they're all different yet similar (they have to be, because I invented them).
What was the hardest part of writing your book?The hardest part of writing my books is finding the utter silence I need... ok, sometimes it doesn't have to be silent, if the flow is there, I can block out a nuclear attack
Where to find her books:
Smashwords: LINK
Who helps you write the most?My husband helps the most, by making sure I don't starve or dehydrate
Are you a big reader? If so do you think that had anything to do with becoming a author?
I've always been a reader, I devour books when I'm in the mood for reading and I got to the point where I was reading books from established authors and I was thinking: I can do better than this! One day, I got the idea for a story and I did just that
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Oh goodness... If I could choose a mentor and be certain that they would agree, then Stephen King. I admire his diversity and longevity... not to mention his excellent advice.
When did you first learn that you wanted to be a writer. Was it just a natural instinct or did you find it later in life?
It was a bit of both I think. as I said, I've always been interested in stories but I never had the chance to get to writing. Later in life, when we became a little more settled and the kids were all growed up, I found more time to write
Which of your characters is your favorite?
The one I'm writing at the time. I like them all and they're all different yet similar (they have to be, because I invented them).What was the hardest part of writing your book?The hardest part of writing my books is finding the utter silence I need... ok, sometimes it doesn't have to be silent, if the flow is there, I can block out a nuclear attack
Where to find her:
Thank you for the interview! It was great fun and excellent questions!